Successor’s Voice Form

Successor’s Voice submit form

    1. Which exam you passed?※Required(Now only one exam)

    Application Basic

    2. What purpose have you been to take a certification examination?

    3. Before you take the exam, are there any experience with Android?

    4. How much time did you put into studying for the exam?

    5. Let us know about any books, seminars or other preparation tools you used to study for the exam.

    6. Please share any post-exam thoughts or advice for those who will be taking the exam.

    7. Comments. If you have any comments or requests, please let us know.

    Mail Address※Required




    (Ex:John Smith)

    Open to the public:

    Nick Name

    (Ex:Android freak)

    Open to the public:

    Company Name


    Open to the public:


    (Ex:Development Manager)

    Open to the public:



    Open to the public:


    Open to the public:


    Open to the public:

    Confirmation of personal information

     On an understanding of the personal information that this site is set to accept the public of the publication desired information.