[New Member] ITPF(Nepal) officially joined to Consortium!

[New Member] ITPF(Nepal) officially joined to Consortium!

On January 5th,2015, IT Professional Forum(ITPF), which headquarter is in Nepal, officially joined the OESF Education Consortium as an Academic member.

ITPF (http://www.itpf.org.np) is a non-government and non-profit making organization of well established IT Professionals in Nepal. ITPF has conducted numerous policy researches with respect to IT Policies, Electronic Transaction & Digital Signature Act & Regulations e-Government Procurement (e-GP), Business incubation etc. and provided assistance to Government of Nepal (GON) for the formation of Electronic Transaction Act and framework for the e-Government Master Plan (eGMP). The Forum is also involved in academies, running ME/M.Tech. in IT program in association with Kathmandu University, and conducts activities such as highly professional software / project management training, curriculum development for ICT, and other training programs.

OESF will help the engineers in Nepal to develop their development skill, in cooperation with ITPF.

< < ITPF website >>