Platform Basic Skill for Android

Platform Basic Skill for Android™

3rd Layer Skill Item Contents
init Sequence Boot Sequence, Boot Loader, Kernel, UserLand, etc
init.rc Android Init Language、System Property, etc
/dev/*** ueventd, uevent, uevent.rc, etc
System Architecture Hardware Abstraction Layer JNI,etc
Resource File Resource Definition and Allocation XML Definition, Resource Location, etc
Application Component Intent & IntentFilter Intent & IntentFilter Overview
Activity Activity Overview
ContentProvider ContentProvider Overview
Service Service Overview
BroadcastReceiver BroadcastReceiver Overview
Life Cycle Kife Cycle of Application Component
Strage MountService, vold, UsbServer、Kernel and とUSB Driver(Android Specific) SD Memory Card, USB, etc
Communication NetworkManager、netd、Connectivity、rild、Telephony 3G、Wi-Fi、Bluetooth, etc
Common sensors SensorService、LED(GPIO) Acceleration sensor, Geomagnetic sensor, Brightness sensor, etc
LocationService LocationService GPS、Location-based services, etc
Multimedia MediaServer, AudioFlinger, SurfaceFlinger, SKIA, OpenMAX, OpenCORE, Stagefright, ALSA, OpenAL, CameraService Audio output, Video output, Encoding / Decodingなど
Logging Log Class Log class usage, LogCat, etc
IPC BinderIPC、Ashmem BinderIPC、Ashmem Overview, etc
Security model User ID of process, Permission model Security model of Android, etc
Power Management AlarmManager、PowerManager Power Management Overview, AlarmManager、PowerManager Usage, etc
Zygote Memory Mapping Zygote Overview、Execute the process, etcなど
For target Setting for applications Setting for Android applications, etc
Setting for Framework/Library Setting for Android Framework/Library, etc
Setting by Architecture(ARMv5、v7、x86) Setting for ARMv5,v7,x86, etc
System-wide settings System-wide settings, etc
How to customize for each terminal How to customize for each terminal, etc
For SDK How to create SDK SDK add-on, javadoc, etc
Hierarchy of build Kernel, Device Driver, Android own hierarchy Understanding of each hierarchy, etc
Build the device code Kernel compilation and Built into the kernel How to compile, etc
Builde the kernel code Execution of cross-compilation Compile options, etc
Boot Parameters Setting boot parameters to be passed to the kernel How to specify boot parameters, tec
Porting Overview, Procedure, etc Overview, Procedure, etc
FastBoot Mechanism Overview of FastBoot, Mechanism, etc
Command How to make ROM, Recovery, etc
Development Environment Eclipse Overview、Usage, etc
Toolchain Overview, Usage, etc
Debug function gdb、gdbserver OverVview, Usage, etc
adb OverVview, Usage, etc
Bug Report OverVview, Usage, etc
Profiling Functions oprofile OverVview, Usage, etc
traceview OverVview, Usage, etc
Trace OverVview, Usage, etc
CTS、CDD CTS、CDD OverVview, Usage, etc
Others APL, etc Overview of APL, etc
Version control git git clone, etc
repo repo init、repo, etc
Read the source code Source code related Source Code, Build No., Tag, Code Name, API Level, etc
Contribute Patch, Bug, etc Validity period of the bug and patch, and reporting
Android Open Accessory Overview、ADK, etc Overview、ADK, etc
NDK Overview, Usage, etc Overview, Usage, etc